supply chain management
Maedeh Fasihi; Seyed Esmaeil Najafi; Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam; Mostafa Hahiaghaei-Keshteli
The supply chain management is an important factor in current competitive market. In recent years, the shortage of resources for answering an increasing food demand has increased researchers’ attention to the food supply chain. Given the importance of fish in the Household Food Basket, the development ...
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The supply chain management is an important factor in current competitive market. In recent years, the shortage of resources for answering an increasing food demand has increased researchers’ attention to the food supply chain. Given the importance of fish in the Household Food Basket, the development of aquaculture and recycling of returned goods in reverse logistics would significantly help with preserving water resources, as well as sustainable development. Therefore, government agencies and aquaculture industry beneficiaries are interested in reverse logistics. This study is focused on the optimization of a closed-loop supply chain of fish. To this end, a new bi-objective mathematical model is proposed that both minimizes total costs and maximizes fulfilling customers demand in uncertainty situation. Several well-known multi-objective meta-heuristic algorithms and a proposed hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm are applied to identify Pareto solutions. The solutions are then compared in terms of performance metrics. Also, the epsilon-constraint method and sensitivity analysis are used to validate the algorithms and evaluate the performance of the model. Lastly, the VIKOR method is used to select the superior method. To demonstrate the capability of the proposed model, a closed-loop supply chain of trout in northern Iran is investigated as a case study. The results show that the developed model could be effective in reducing the costs and increasing customer satisfaction.
Roozbeh . Azizmohammadi; Maghsoud .Amiri; Reza Tavakkoli- Moghadam; Hamid Reza. Mashatzadegan
Volume 14, Issue 42 , October 2016, , Pages 103-121
A redundancy allocation problem is a well-known NP-hard problem thatinvolves the selection of elements and redundancy levels to maximize thesystem reliability under various system-level constraints. In many practicaldesign situations, reliability apportionment is complicated because of thepresence of ...
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A redundancy allocation problem is a well-known NP-hard problem thatinvolves the selection of elements and redundancy levels to maximize thesystem reliability under various system-level constraints. In many practicaldesign situations, reliability apportionment is complicated because of thepresence of several conflicting objectives that cannot be combined into asingle-objective function. A stele communications, manufacturing and powersystems are becoming more and more complex, while requiring shortdevelopments schedules and very high reliability, it is becoming increasinglyimportant to develop efficient solutions to the RAP. In this paper, a newhybrid multi-objective competition algorithm (HMOCA)based oncompetitive algorithm (CA) and genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed for thefirst time in multi-objective redundancy allocation problems. In the multiobjectiveformulation, the system reliability is maximized while the cost andvolume of the system are minimized simultaneously. Additionally, ay RSMis employed to tune the CA parameters. The proposed HMOCA is validatedby some examples with analytical solutions. It shows its superiorperformance compared to a NSGA-II and PAES algorithms. Finally, theconclusion is given