Mohammadreza Dabiri; Mehdi Yazdani; bahman naderi; Hasan Haleh
In the real world, firms with hybrid flow-shop manufacturing environment generally facethe human resource constraint, salary cost increasment and efforts to make better use oflabor, in addition to machine constraint. Given the limitations of these resources, productdelivery requierements to customers ...
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In the real world, firms with hybrid flow-shop manufacturing environment generally facethe human resource constraint, salary cost increasment and efforts to make better use oflabor, in addition to machine constraint. Given the limitations of these resources, productdelivery requierements to customers have made the job rejection essential in order to meetdistinct customer requirements. Therefore, this research has studied the dual resourceconstrained hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem with job rejection in order to minimizethe total net cost (the sum of the total rejection cost and the total tardiness cost of jobs)which is widely used in many industries. In this article, a mixed integer linear programmingmodel has developed for the research problem. In addition, an improved sooty ternoptimization algorithm (ISTOA) has proposed to solve the large-sized problems as well asa decoding method due to the NP-hardness of the problem. In order to evaluate theproposed optimization algorithm, five well-known algorithms in the literature including(immunoglobulin-based artificial immune system (IAIS), genetic algorithm (GA), discreteartificial bee colony (DABC), improved fruit fly optimization (IFFO), effective modifiedmigrating birds optimization (EMBO)) have adapted with the proposed problem. Finally,the performance of the proposed optimization algorithm has investigated against theadapted algorithms. Results and evaluations show the good performance of the improvedsooty tern optimization algorithm.
Bahman Naderi
In this paper hybrid flowshop scheduling problem where some jobs, not all, have to follow no-wait restriction (that is, the operations of that job must be processed with no stop) is examined. In the literature, all papers assume that all jobs of the shops have to follow no-wait restrictions. First, this ...
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In this paper hybrid flowshop scheduling problem where some jobs, not all, have to follow no-wait restriction (that is, the operations of that job must be processed with no stop) is examined. In the literature, all papers assume that all jobs of the shops have to follow no-wait restrictions. First, this paper mathematically formulates the problem with two different mixed integer linear models under proposed considerations. The models are evaluated using two performance measures of size complexity and computational complexity. The small instances of the problem are solved using commercial software of mathematical programming. To solve larger instances of problem, two solution algorithms have been developed. These two algorithms are based on imperialist competitive algorithm and simulated annealing. A comprehensive numerical experiment including small and large instances is conducted to evaluate the models and algorithms. The results show that the imperialist competitive algorithm outperforms simulated annealing
Mehdi Yazdani; Bahman Naderi
In the scheduling problems, it is commonly assumed that processing times are fixed and known. In the literature of project scheduling emphasizes that the time of each activity/operation can be multi-mode and by assigning more resources, the activity time can be reduced. In these problems, in addition ...
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In the scheduling problems, it is commonly assumed that processing times are fixed and known. In the literature of project scheduling emphasizes that the time of each activity/operation can be multi-mode and by assigning more resources, the activity time can be reduced. In these problems, in addition to activity scheduling, allocation of available limited resources to the activities should also be carried out. This assumption that processing time of activities is fixed is a weakness in scheduling literature. This paper develops the classic problem flow shop scheduling to multi-mode resource-cosntrainted flow shop scheduling problem. This paper discusses comprehensively about mathematical modeling. In this regard, two mixed integer linear programming models with two differnet concepts are presented. The first model is location-based model and the second is sequence-based. The performance of the models are evaluated by comparing their size and computational complexities. In the size complexity, the first model requires more variables but less constraints than second Model. In the computational complexity, the first model significantly outperforms than the second Model. Also, the first model, besides solving more problems as optimally, requires less time to solve than the second model