Amir Daneshvar; Mostafa Zandieh; Jamshid Nazemi
Volume 13, Issue 39 , January 2016, , Pages 1-34
Outranking based models as one of the most important multicriteria decision methods need the definition of large amount of preferential information called “parameters” from decision maker. Because of the multiplicity of parameters, their confusing interpretation in problem context and the ...
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Outranking based models as one of the most important multicriteria decision methods need the definition of large amount of preferential information called “parameters” from decision maker. Because of the multiplicity of parameters, their confusing interpretation in problem context and the imprecise nature of data, Obtaining all these parameters simultaneously specially in large scale realistic credit problems which requires real time decision making is very complex and time-consuming.Preference Disaggregation approach infers these parameters from the holistic judgements provided by decision maker. This approach within multicriteria decision methods is equivalent to machine learning in artificial intelligence discipline.Under this approach this paper proposes a new learning method in which Genetic Algorithm(GA) in an evolutionary process induces all , ELECTRE TRI model parameters from training set then at the end of this process, classification is done on testing set by inferred parameters. Experimental analysis on credit data shows high quality and competitive results compared with some standard classification methods.