AbdolMajid AbdolBaghi; Mohammad Reza Dalvi; Mojtaba Reisi
Volume 2, Issue 7 , December 2004, , Pages 83-103
Customers are the primary source of profitability in the organizations and hence taking into consideration their wants and needs are required for ensuring business units survival. This will be accomplished through offering of high quality services. 30 percent of total quality weight of Malcolm baldridge ...
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Customers are the primary source of profitability in the organizations and hence taking into consideration their wants and needs are required for ensuring business units survival. This will be accomplished through offering of high quality services. 30 percent of total quality weight of Malcolm baldridge award is dedicated to customer satisfaction.
This paper is the result of an applied research to enhance banking services using QFDs. QFD is a tool to convert customer real needs into product service features. Using a structured method QFD collects the needs of the customers and considering organizational resources and its ability responds to market needs and wants. The main objective is to determine customers views on values that customer expect from the concept of physical quality of the banks branches. The study utilized different methods involving interviews questionnaire and analysis of documents. Using analytic hierarchy process the physical features of the bank has been ranked and suggestions have been proposed to better design and deploy the physical features of the banks. Also responding to expectancies of customers of bank Refah has compared with the competitors, and customers opinions on technical requirements and designing an appropriate design of physical is investigated and presented.