Gholamreza Khoshsima; Ali Mehrabi; Hamid Sharifi; Fateme Shirvani; Mahbobe Kazemi
Volume 9, Issue 25 , July 2012, , Pages 109-132
In this research, exploratory mixed research are used and implementedat two stages. At first stage, two questionnaires are designed. Based onCambridge University’s Model, responsiveness of Almas-e-Kavir andEhsan Industrial Group are surveyed and analyzed that are done bycomparative-theoretical ...
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In this research, exploratory mixed research are used and implementedat two stages. At first stage, two questionnaires are designed. Based onCambridge University’s Model, responsiveness of Almas-e-Kavir andEhsan Industrial Group are surveyed and analyzed that are done bycomparative-theoretical case study. A questionnaire is designedaccording to the comparative-theoretical case study that determinesresponsiveness’s degree of ceramic tile industry’s companies. At thesame time, literature reviews of knowledge management enablers aredone and a questionnaire is designed. At the second stage, twoquestionnaires are distributed and after gathering them, data areanalyzed. In this stage, questionnaire of knowledge managementenablers are validated by confirmatory factor analysis. Then, affect ofknowledge management enablers on responsiveness are analyzed bydiscriminate analysis. Responsiveness at manufacturing systems isability to achieving operational objective with internal and externaldisturbances. Results are shown that infrastructures of knowledgemanagement have more effect on responsiveness than people,strategy, and processes