Mojtaba Heravi; Tabassom Azimi galeh; Hessam Zandhessami
Decision making (DM) is an important problem in most of the armyoperations. One of the challenging issues in this area is uncertainty in warswith uncertain information which causes many destructive effects on theresults of strategies in battlefields. In the Heravi et al. article’s, published inthe ...
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Decision making (DM) is an important problem in most of the armyoperations. One of the challenging issues in this area is uncertainty in warswith uncertain information which causes many destructive effects on theresults of strategies in battlefields. In the Heravi et al. article’s, published inthe year 2013, utilizing a combination of Cognitive Agent (CA) andClassification based on Fuzzy Association Rules (CFAR) as the mosteffective and widely used methods, was able to relatively reduce thisproblem and tried to reduce uncertainty. But still in critical condition, can’tdeny the need to act quickly and remove most invalid and inefficient rulesextracted in the effective decisions.This paper aims to utilize the capabilities of Genetic Algorithm (GA) in amore realistic selection rules as a meta-heuristic way to combinecomplementary methods to minimize the uncertainty in DM. In comparisonwith previous method, experimental results achieved, clearly show that thiscombination in addition to the advantages of the previous method, due to thefurther reduction of production rules for DM, are more understandable andaccurate and has more rational risk acceptance.
Laya Olfat; Masoud Barati; Mohammad Reza Valadi
Volume 9, Issue 25 , July 2012, , Pages 27-50
Nowadays one of the most important decisions for the companies iswhether to outsource a part of the organizations’ value chain or not.Some studies show that majority of them, consider outsourcing as acost reduction approach, not as a strategic decision. Some researcheshave paid attention to this ...
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Nowadays one of the most important decisions for the companies iswhether to outsource a part of the organizations’ value chain or not.Some studies show that majority of them, consider outsourcing as acost reduction approach, not as a strategic decision. Some researcheshave paid attention to this concept. This paper presents a decisionmaking framework which consists of five criteria, thirty scenarios andeight strategies. According to this framework, activities outsourcingdecisions can be made. This framework has been applied for thirtythree manufacturing sets of Samand automotive. The suggested optionfor twenty six of them is “Supplier Development and Outsourcing”,for five sets is “Insourcing”. “Partial Outsourcing” is suggested forone set and “Spin off” for another one.
Maghsoud Amiri; Mohsen Rahimi Mazrae shahi; Hamid Taboli
Volume 9, Issue 24 , March 2012, , Pages 45-65
This article suggests a new method for solving multi-criteria decision making issues. The method has been designed by simple but rational mathematical logic based on a specific geometric definition of the options. Understandable content as well as algorithm simplicity and simplified process are the rich ...
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This article suggests a new method for solving multi-criteria decision making issues. The method has been designed by simple but rational mathematical logic based on a specific geometric definition of the options. Understandable content as well as algorithm simplicity and simplified process are the rich standing points of the approach. Such problems have always had a brand-new geometric approach whilst the calculations involved in this method are benefiting from the lack of complex and complicated steps and the essential patronized path. Categorizing the enriched method's significances, we may finally come up with the availability of graphical model provided for the users. The users are properly enabled to enlighten presenting a geometric logic.