Hiwa Farughi; Seiran Alaniazar; Seyedhamed Mousavipour; Vahed Moradi
Nowadays, most of developed and developing countries, because of both limited resources and growing competitive markets, looking for to diagnose the causes of projects delay and are trying to develop solutions for decreasing amount of delay in next projects. In this paper initially notions related to ...
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Nowadays, most of developed and developing countries, because of both limited resources and growing competitive markets, looking for to diagnose the causes of projects delay and are trying to develop solutions for decreasing amount of delay in next projects. In this paper initially notions related to delay, project risk management, Failure Mode Effects and Analysis (FMEA) method have been reviewed and also construction projects of Kurdistan state organization of schools renovation have been examined. Then a framework based on Fuzzy FMEA and AHP model have been proposed in order to recognize the most important risks and determining the amount of effects of these risks on main objective of projects (i.e. time, cost and quality) and estimating their occurrence probabilities. Meanwhile along with calculating importance coefficient of factors, some ideas to prevent or decrease consequences of these factors have been recommended
Heirsh Soltanpanah; Hiwa Farughi; Rohoullah Abdi
Volume 10, Issue 26 , January 2012, , Pages 147-164
Project cost estimation and actual time is one of the serious concernsof project managers. Earned Value Management is considered as atechnique for answering two following questions: how long does ittake to complete a project? How much does the project cost? ProjectPerformance Evaluation can only be predicated ...
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Project cost estimation and actual time is one of the serious concernsof project managers. Earned Value Management is considered as atechnique for answering two following questions: how long does ittake to complete a project? How much does the project cost? ProjectPerformance Evaluation can only be predicated based on previousdata and knowledge in the present dealings of earned value and itsfuture conditions and prospects would not be categorically realized.Although there are many proposed methods to solve these boundaries,there is not a method encompassing all uncertainties and futureconditions. This paper aims at introducing a new method using timelimits, costs and project performance in fuzzy logic to determine theearned value indexes. Risk factors are added to the Fuzzy logics inorder to obtaining the precise estimation in predicting the finaloutcomes of the project. This paper provides a brief introductionregarding the current methods followed by investigation on Fuzzymethodology and risk factors. Finally, the offered model is proposed,defined and supported by means of an example