Document Type : Research Paper



Newcomer companies, creating dynamism in the economy, as through the provision of goods, services and new technologies, increasing competition in the market and expanding the industry, making it more dynamic. But the fact that what was going on after their entrance are also important. Because their growth and longevity in achieving long- term goals and policies in regarding employment and economic growth are of particular importance. This study was conducted to investigate the factors that influence the survival of newcomer companies. Company size and growth rate of the industry are features that are assumed to affect the survival of the company. So the effects of these variables on the survival of newcomer companies of Electronic and Electric Industries in Mazandaran province during1981-2011 were studied.
Semi-parametric Cox regression model was used to test the hypotheses. In order to further analyze the data, nonparametric model life table and product limit estimator was used. Data from the Mazandaran province database of Industry, Mine and Trade were collected and for data processing, winTDA software is used. As a result of this study, a positive relationship between firm size and survival rates were approved. But there was no significant relationship between industry growth rates and survival


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