Evaluation of Dual Long Memory Properties with Emphasizing the Skewed and Fat-Tail Distribution: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 151-181]
Automotive supply chain
Supply Risk Management in Automotive Industry Supply Chain:
A Grounded Theory [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 1-25]
Dual-resource constrained
A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for dual resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 43-74]
Environmental Performance
Investigating the effect of green innovation dimensions on firm performance: the study in tile and ceramic industry in Yazd province [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 25-42]
Evaluation of Dual Long Memory Properties with Emphasizing the Skewed and Fat-Tail Distribution: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 151-181]
Firm performance
Investigating the effect of green innovation dimensions on firm performance: the study in tile and ceramic industry in Yazd province [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 25-42]
Flexible job shop
A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for dual resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 43-74]
Fuzzy Chance Constrained Programming
Developing (r,Q) & (R,T) inventory control models [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 125-124]
Fuzzy Constraints
Developing (r,Q) & (R,T) inventory control models [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 125-124]
Fuzzy Numbers
Developing (r,Q) & (R,T) inventory control models [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 125-124]
Goal Programming
Supply Chain Flexibility Mathematical Modeling using Goal Programming [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 75-96]
Grounded Theory
Supply Risk Management in Automotive Industry Supply Chain:
A Grounded Theory [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 1-25]
Long memory
Evaluation of Dual Long Memory Properties with Emphasizing the Skewed and Fat-Tail Distribution: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 151-181]
Mathematical Modeling
A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for dual resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 43-74]
Mathematical Modeling
Supply Chain Flexibility Mathematical Modeling using Goal Programming [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 75-96]
Multi Objective Programming
Developing (r,Q) & (R,T) inventory control models [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 125-124]
Multiple objective particle swarm optimization
A New Hybrid Method for Redundancy Allocation in Production Systems using Modified NSGA-II and MOPSO Algorithm [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 97-124]
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
A New Hybrid Method for Redundancy Allocation in Production Systems using Modified NSGA-II and MOPSO Algorithm [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 97-124]
Partial Least Square
Investigating the effect of green innovation dimensions on firm performance: the study in tile and ceramic industry in Yazd province [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 25-42]
Production line
A New Hybrid Method for Redundancy Allocation in Production Systems using Modified NSGA-II and MOPSO Algorithm [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 97-124]
Q) & (R
Developing (r,Q) & (R,T) inventory control models [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 125-124]
Response Surface Methodology
A New Hybrid Method for Redundancy Allocation in Production Systems using Modified NSGA-II and MOPSO Algorithm [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 97-124]
A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for dual resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 43-74]
Simulated Annealing
A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for dual resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 43-74]
A New Hybrid Method for Redundancy Allocation in Production Systems using Modified NSGA-II and MOPSO Algorithm [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 97-124]
Skewed Student’s t-Distribution
Evaluation of Dual Long Memory Properties with Emphasizing the Skewed and Fat-Tail Distribution: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 151-181]
Supply risk
Supply Risk Management in Automotive Industry Supply Chain:
A Grounded Theory [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 1-25]
Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Evaluation of Dual Long Memory Properties with Emphasizing the Skewed and Fat-Tail Distribution: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 151-181]
T) Ordering Systems
Developing (r,Q) & (R,T) inventory control models [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 125-124]
Variable neighborhood search
A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for dual resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem [Volume 12, Issue 33, 2015, Pages 43-74]