Document Type : Research Paper


This article benefits from the perspective of knowledge management on the organization social networks. This study was an attempt to investigate how employees benefit from organizational social networks in order to create value and expand the knowledge management. It also considers different usage of organizational social networks and its value for knowledge management. Also, five functions of social networks have been studied, which includes: problem solving, generating ideas, updates, task management, and informal conversations. This research is an applied one and data was gathered by questionnaires and regression analysis with SPSS software was used as means of data analysis. The community of this study included 100 employees of " Hamkaran System", who use professional social networks. A group of 75 employees was selected as the sample group for research through Cochran's formula. To evaluate the Content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was used of Comments professors and experts and Cronbach's alpha. Results showed that the organizational social network is able to create value for innovation by helping people in effective use of social networking functions and enrich the abilities of knowledge. Effective participation in organizational social networks can cause to active knowledge management and create value. The purpose of valuation is assessment of the benefits of organizational social network to gain effective knowledge.


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