Document Type : Research Paper



Industrial clusters are one of the new approaches in industrial development of developing countries which has recently attracted the attention of many researchers and policy makers.
Clustering has positive economic effects on the region and also increase the competitiveness of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs).But success level of all clusters is not the same because their performances are different. The subject of clusters performance has various aspects and contains a wide range of result areas. This is due to cross-organizational nature and complexity of the internal functions and external effects of cluster as a comprehensive model of industrial cluster performance dimensions have not been presented so far.Precise definition of performance dimensions can reduce (part view) which is based on point of view to clusters and also study of cluster development proceedings with comprehensive approach can be applicable. This study aims to identify the performance dimensions of industrial clusters by classifying the performance measures of industrial clusters and present a model for comprehensive evaluation of industrial clusters performance. For data analysis the method used in this study is cluster analysis which integrated the Classifications of 31 experts used heuristic method and based on that, four performance dimensions of industrial clusters including financial, competitive, economic and environmental along with components and measures of each were extracted.


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