Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master in IT engineering, Shiraz university

2 Associate Prof. Industrial Engineering Department, K.N.Toosi University of Technology


In this study, first by study different sources, effective factors of successful
implementation of knowledge management systems have been identified.
Then, by means of statistical analysis and SPSS software status of
each factor in the Tamin Company was evaluated in order to determine
is the company ready to implement this system, or not. The results show
that company is not ready to implement this system so it is necessary for
the company to improve its situation before implementing such system.
Among those factors, culture, information and communication technology,
have respectively the highest and lowest priorities to make correction.


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􀀬 􀁤 􀀯􀃌􀂬􀂧􀃂􀂻 􀃉􀁼􀀯􀃌􀂸􀂯 􀂶􀀯􀂻􀁙􀃂􀂟 􀂀􀀯􀁝 􀃊􀀯􀃀􀁦􀁞􀂻 􀂊􀂿􀁙􀁻 􀁤􀃋􀂀􀃋􀁼􀂻 􀃊􀃋􀁚􀃀􀂠􀂻 􀃉 􀃄􀂰􀁞􀂋 􀃉 􀃄􀂠􀂇􀃂􀁥 􀀬􀂽􀁚􀂼􀃌􀁡 􀀬􀂽􀁙􀃂􀁹􀁙 [2]
􀀃 .1386 􀀬􀁤􀂠􀃀􀂏 􀃁 􀂺􀂸􀂟 􀃃􀁚􀂴􀂌􀂿􀁙􀁻 􀀬􀂞􀃋􀁚􀃀􀂏 􀃉 􀃃􀁼􀂰􀂌􀂿􀁙􀁻 􀀬􀃉􀂀􀁦􀂯􀁻 􀃉 􀃄􀂷􀁚􀂇􀁿
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􀁼􀀯􀁵􀁙􀃁 􀀬 􀁻􀁙􀂁􀁍 􀃃􀁚􀂴􀀯􀂌􀂿􀁙􀁻 􀀬􀁼􀀯􀂋􀁿􀁙 􀃊􀀯􀂇􀁚􀃀􀂋􀁿􀁚􀂯 􀃉 􀃄􀂷􀁚􀀯􀂇􀁿 􀀬􀂽􀁙􀂀􀃆􀁥 􀂀􀃆􀂋 􀃉􀃁􀁿􀁻􀃂􀁹 􀂁􀁚􀂇􀃄 􀂠􀂘􀂫 􀂖􀂇􀃂􀁦􀂻 􀃁 􀂮􀁱􀃂􀂯
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