Document Type : Research Paper



The objective of this study was to examine the relationship of spiritual orientation of purported servant leaders to the intensity of perceived servant behavior in those leaders. Spirituality in the workplace and more  holistic  styles of  leadership  has  grown in  popularity among leadership  consultants  and the general  public.
A sample  of 80 managers  and  ] 80 employees   from Iran  Khodroo  and Saipa    and   pars    Khodroo    companies     was    surveyed    using   the Spirituality   Assessment   Scale  (SAS)  and  the  Servant  Organizational Leadership   Assessment   (SOLA)  between  November  2007  and March 2008.
Seventy  - five  managers  (75%)  and  140 employees   (77%)  responded. Spiritual    orientation    was measured    using   the   SAS   through   two dimensions.    The  definitive   dimension,    considered essential   for  an individual  to be spiritual,  is demonstrated   through  a relationship   with the transcendent    through   prayer   or  meditation,   and  the  con-elated dimension,   with  is  not exclusive   to spirituality   but  may  derive  from moral  philosophies,   is the virtues  of honesty,  humility,  and service  to others.  Servant  leadership  behavior  was measured  using the leadership portion  of SOLA.
Results  of  the  study  indicate  that  the  sample  of  leaders  surveyed  in this  study  may be more  spiritual  than  less spiritual,  but with  a greater propensity   for  the  correlated   variables.  Pearson   con-elation  indicates that spirituality  leadership  isn't  relationship  to self - perceived  servant leadership  behavior. The  self  - perceived  manger  scores  for servant  leader  behavior  were greater    and   statically    different    than   the   values   assigned   by   the employees.   The  self  -  perceived   servant   leadership   behavior   mean score    for   managers    was   statically    greater    than   the   employees indicating  a perceptual  chasm between  the two groups.