Document Type : Research Paper



Current   study  examines   the  influence   of  cultural   factors   based  on DOCS  model)  on job satisfaction  and employee  performance   of social security   organization   (indirect   remedy   bureau   of  Tehran   province). Since its goal is the examination of organizational culture factors influence   on  job   satisfaction   and  employee   performance    and   it  is known  as a guideline  for organization   in order  to enhance  the job  satisfaction  and performance of  its employees   and  offer  higher  productivity   to  it,  it is  known  as applicable  research.
In this  research  it is used  of  simple  accidental   sampling  and  gender, background,     marital   status,   age,   education,    income    level,   lower position then other colleagues  and work units among social security organization   employees   (indirect  remedy  bureau  of Tehran  province) have been included.
In order  to conduct  test, the Denison  questionnaire   has been used that assess the organizational  culture  based on 4 dimensions  namely involvement,  consistency,  adaptability  and mission. To assess each dimension   of  above  items,  3 indications   has  been  defined  that  each one   is   evaluated    by   5   questions    and   wysocki    and   kromm   job satisfaction    questionnaire    that  has   5 dimensions(work,     supervisor, enhancement,    colleagues,   payment)   have  been  applied   and  likewise performance   evaluation   questionnaire   of  social  security  organization have   been   used   that   is  compiled    by   planning    and   management organization.   Organizational   culture  questionnaire   and job  satisfaction has been  filled  by employees  and performance   questionnaire   has been completed   by  related  authorities.   The  statistical  society  includes  580 persons  who  23L  persons  by  using  of  sample  volume  formula   have been  determined.   After  analyzing   of  information   that  has  been  done by  using  of  description   statistic    (average,   frequency   and  deviation standard)     and    chi    square    and    fisher    test    in   elicit    statistics, questionnaires   was distributed  among  9 work  units of indirect  remedy bureau  of social  security  organization   including  par clinic,  physicians, auditions,    statistic,    accounting,     education,   hospitality,     da  mage, drugstore.     Finally    after    collection     and    analyzing     of    obtained information,   the image of social security  organization  culture  has been drawn  in  indirect  remedy  bureau   of Tehran   province   that  imply  on culture      status     of    this    organization      that    based     on    Denison organizational      culture    categorization      in    this    organization,     the organizational    culture   is based  on  continuity.   This  organization   has reached  to best  situation  in adaptability   and  mission  variables  and  its strategic  direction  indications  and organization   learning  is higher  then intermediate    level.   10 other   indications   is  lower  then   intermediate level.  The  result   is  that  despite  relationship   between   organizational culture  factors   with job  satisfaction   and  employee   performance,   this relationship     and   its   influence    among    statistical    society    is   not significant,  it means that influence  of organizational   culture  factors  on job    satisfaction     and   employee     performance     of   social    security organization   (indirect  remedy  bureau  of  Tehran  province)   is so  low that it cannot affect them and thus all of research  hypothesis  would  be rejected meaning there is no significant relationship between each componants of organizational culture.
