Volume 22 (2024)
Volume 21 (2023)
Volume 20 (2022)
Volume 19 (2021)
Volume 18 (2020)
Volume 17 (2019)
Volume 16 (2018)
Volume 15 (2017)
Volume 14 (2016)
Volume 13 (2015)
Volume 12 (2015)
Volume 11 (2014)
Volume 9 (2012)
Volume 10 (2012)
Volume 8 (2010)
Volume 6 (2007)
Volume 5 (2006)
Volume 4 (2006)
Volume 3 (2005)
Volume 2 (2004)
Volume 1 (2003)

The operational model for supply chain agility evaluation in national Iranian oil company: case of NISOC

Rohollah sohrabi; AbolfazI Kazazi; Jahanyar B. Soofi

Volume 6, Issue 17 , September 2007, , Pages 49-73

  Although the importance of Agility in supply chain in many different industries is clear, and being responsive, customer oriented and, flexible is obvious in management and organizations, Iran big oil companies do not pay enough attention to designing and implementation of their supply chains. The purpose ...  Read More

Evaluation and Ranking Strategies With ELECTRE III Techniques in Fuzzy Situation (Case Study Conducted at Temad Co.)

Abolfazl Kazzazi; Maghsood Amiri; Fatemeh Rahbar Yaghoobi

Volume 8, Issue 20 , March 2011, , Pages 49-79

  In This paper, application of MCDM techniques in evaluation and ranking of Temad Co. strategies has been considered. Statistical target group, as "expert group" has been chosen among company's managers to identify strategies and evaluate them. At the first phase, strategies have been deducted with SWOT ...  Read More

Measuring the Leanness Degree of Industrial Firms using Lean Production Hierarchical Approach (Case: Yazd Tile and Ceramics Industries)

Maysam Shafiee Roodposhti; Seyyed Habib Mirghafooi

Volume 9, Issue 22 , September 2011, , Pages 49-74

  In new era systems managers should focus on managing the flow of production through all the steps that add value to the final product. Lean production as an efficient approach has presented in literature of production management for increasing the level of products' quality and decreasing cost of production. ...  Read More

Studying the elements of strategic planning in order to provide conceptual and practical model for small industrial companies

Fariborz Rahimnia; Shamsodin Nazemi; Ebrahim Mashreghi

Volume 9, Issue 23 , December 2011, , Pages 49-70

  This paper aims to review the literature in order to propose a conceptual model for strategic planning process and to examine the applicability of this model. This research is done in four industrial estates in Khorasan - Razavi province. The statistical population includes top managers of the companies ...  Read More

Knowledge management systems implementation Gaps survey by means of gap analysis technique

Mohammad Jafar Tarokh; Rahmat Mirzai; Naghmeh Alvandi

Volume 9, Issue 25 , July 2012, , Pages 51-84

  Knowledge has widely been acknowledged as one of the mostimportant factors for corporate competitiveness, and we havewitnessed an explosion of IT solutions claiming to provide support forknowledge management. Due to the rapid development of knowledgeand information technology (IT), business environments ...  Read More

Presenting Fuzzy Approach on Customer Satisfaction Measurement Case Study: Dairying Company

Ali Mohammadnia

Volume 6, Issue 15 , March 2007, , Pages 51-85

  Tending to customer rightly overtax, Organizations gain new customers and keep their satisfaction, therefore based on created competition, organization and companies should seeking suitable ways to customer’s absorption and maintenance. Thus it is vital for business success and it not succeed unless ...  Read More

Using Gray Relation Analysis and Entropy Methods in Ranking Corporates’ Social Responsibility: Evidence from Iranian Pharmaceutical Companies

Nasser Sanoubar; Saeid Bazmohammadi

Volume 15, Issue 44 , April 2017, , Pages 51-74


  Analyzing corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a multi-criteria problem. This paper firstly introduces gray relation and entropy weighting methods in order to find a solution to analyze and rank corporations from this point of view. The proposed technique that conducted through combining these two ...  Read More

Robust Mathematical Model for Projects' Portfolio Selection and Solving with Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II

Abas Fadaei; Masood Rabieh; Mostafa Zandieh

Volume 14, Issue 40 , April 2016, , Pages 53-74


  Considering that the active companies in the field of oil, gas,petrochemical and other energies are project-based and also theincrease of gas applicants who have taken policy of replacing the gasinstead of other fossil fuels, have imposed certain condition onorganizations and project managers in the ...  Read More

Technological approach to HRM: A model for managing industrial institutes

Mir Ali Seyyed Naghavi

Volume 8, Issue 19 , December 2010, , Pages 53-71

  “analyzability” and “variability” and this differentiation affecting on human resource practices. This paper uses “Charles pro’s four type of technologies: Repetitive, Engineering, non-repctitive and artifacts in order to explanting HRM practices. Therefore four major ...  Read More

No-wait hybrid flowshop scheduling: models and solotion algorithms

Bahman Naderi

Volume 14, Issue 43 , January 2017, , Pages 53-77


  In this paper hybrid flowshop scheduling problem where some jobs, not all, have to follow no-wait restriction (that is, the operations of that job must be processed with no stop) is examined. In the literature, all papers assume that all jobs of the shops have to follow no-wait restrictions. First, this ...  Read More

Competitive positioning for LARG Supply Chain in Cement Industry and its Strategic Requirements Importance-Performance Analysis

Gholamreza Jamali; Elham Karimi Asl

Volume 16, Issue 50 , October 2018, , Pages 53-77


  Supply Chain Management (SCM) is considered as a key factor to achieve goals such as creating competitive advantage, product quality improvement and increasing profitability in the cement industry. The main purpose of this research is to determine competitive positioning for LARG supply chain in the ...  Read More

Investigating the Effect of Firm Size and Industry Growth Rate on Survival of Newcomer Companies in Electronic and Electric Industries of Mazandaran Province

Alireza Pooya; Golamreza Soltani-fesaghandis

Volume 13, Issue 37 , July 2015, , Pages 55-90

  Newcomer companies, creating dynamism in the economy, as through the provision of goods, services and new technologies, increasing competition in the market and expanding the industry, making it more dynamic. But the fact that what was going on after their entrance are also important. Because their growth ...  Read More

Design of multi-objective mathematical model of crashing PERT networks using genetic algorithm

Majid Esmaelian; Kamran Feizi; Amir Afsar

Volume 10, Issue 26 , January 2012, , Pages 55-73

  In this paper, a nonlinear multi objective mathematical model forcrashing the PERT network is presented. The main purpose of thismodel is minimizing the pessimistic time of critical activities byallocating more budget. In fact, this model indicates how the budget isallocated among critical activities. ...  Read More

Application of Value Engineering in Service Project Management

Laya Olfat; Hassan Hashemi

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2003, , Pages 55-82

  The prime objectives of Project Management are to minimize time and cost and to meet required performance. Value Engineering is an organized effort to attain optimum value in a system by providing the necessary functions to improve performance at the lowest cost. Value Engineering can contribute to the ...  Read More

Attitude Assessment in Management Studies by Likert Scale

Jahanyar Bamdad Sufl; Saeed Shahbaz Moradi; Majid Salimi

Volume 3, Issue 8 , March 2005, , Pages 55-70

  Building a research  questionnaire  and using  assessment tools  play a crucial role  in social,  management  and behavioral  sciences.  Scales  and questionnaires are deemed wrongly as the same tools, but in spite of the similarities that are basically ...  Read More

Process orientation by Excellency approach in production enterprises

Akbar Alam Tabriz; Mohammad Bagherzadeh Azar

Volume 5, Issue 14 , December 2006, , Pages 55-73

  At the beginning of the last century, division of labor principle was introduced as a factor for creativity drive, and economical saving, and the requirements of such principles led to hierarchical, task and authority-oriented organizing of different enterprises and organizational levels. This results ...  Read More

Supplier selection under uncertainty using Interval Compromise Programming

Payam Chiniforoshan; Behrouz Pourghannad; Rouzbeh Azizmohammadi; Seyed Hossein Razavi

Volume 6, Issue 16 , June 2007, , Pages 55-74

  Now days one of the main strategies and policies of firms is purchasing parts from external suppliers. For decision making about selecting suppliers, are considered the different criteria. But because of changes of management levels and external suppliers strategies, could not determine input data precisely. ...  Read More

Location Planning for Post Offices and Routing for Postal Parcels in Tehran

Mohammad Hossein Tahmasebi; Kaveh Khalili Damghani; Vahidreza Ghezavati

Volume 16, Issue 48 , April 2018, , Pages 55-72


  One of the most important problems facing distribution companies is to find the best locations for depots and also proper routes for transportation vehicles in order to optimize their supply network. This study aims to examine the problem of location-routing for post offices in Tehran. To achieve this, ...  Read More

Resilient Supply Chain Model in Iran Pharmaceutical Industries

Abdolreza Sedighpour; Mostafa Zandieh; Akbar Alem Tabriz; behroz dori

Volume 16, Issue 51 , January 2019, , Pages 55-106


  Within two recent decades, the complexity of business environment, dynamics, uncertainty and higher environmental fluctuations, concepts such as globalization and increasing competition made many changes in the equations ruling on the industries supply chain. In such conditions, the businesses must make ...  Read More

Measuring supply chain agility using fuzzy rule base and fuzzy agility index in the electronics industry (case study: PISHRANEH Company, Sari, Iran)

Hani Ghasemi Sahebi; Mahmoud Zanjirchi

Volume 11, Issue 30 , October 2014, , Pages 56-76

  To achieve a competitive edge in the rapidly changing business environment,companies must align with suppliers and customers to streamlineoperations, as well as working together to achieve a level of agility beyondindividual companies. Consequently, agile supply chains are the dominantcompetitive vehicles. ...  Read More

Developing and Solving a New Bi-Objective Model to Assign Human Resource And Equipment to Parallel Workstations in a Product ion Line Using Optimization Via Simulation Technique

Mohammad saeed Company; Parham Azimi

Volume 15, Issue 46 , October 2017, , Pages 57-71


  In this study, the use of simulation technique in bi-objective optimization of assembly line balancing problem has been studied. The aim of this paper is to determine optimal allocation of human resource and equipment to parallel workstations in order to minimize the cost of adding equipment and manpower ...  Read More

A modeling of internal effective factors over small and medium enterprises performance

Vali MOhamad Darini; Ali Akbar Aghajani Afroozi; Mohamad Taban; Morteza Mohamadi saleh

Volume 13, Issue 36 , April 2015, , Pages 61-94

  Abstract: In response to bankruptcy of several small and medium enterprises(SMEs) in Mazandaran province, this research is conducted to identify the internal key factors that affect the performance of this enterprises. Based on our rigorous literature review in the field of SMEs, a conceptual model with ...  Read More

An integrated project portfolio selection and resource investment problem to maximize net present value using genetic algorithm

Hamidreza Shahabifard; Behrouz Afshar-nadjafi

Volume 14, Issue 42 , October 2016, , Pages 61-121


  In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed for project portfolioselection and resource availability cost problem to scheduling activities inorder to maximize net present value of the selected projects preservingprecedence and resource constraints. Since the developed model belongs toNP-hard problems ...  Read More

A new model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discount cash flows

Amine Keramaty; Majid Esmaelian; Masoud Rabieh

Volume 13, Issue 39 , January 2016, , Pages 63-90

  This paper presents a mathematical model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with maximizing the net present value of project. The proposed model is inspired by MRCPSP-GPR. Firstly, we presented an exact model solving MRCPSP_GPR then we expanded the model to estimate other ...  Read More